Childhood Obesity and What You Can Do About it!

Childhood Obesity and What You Can Do About it!

Childhood obesity is a growing issue in modern society, where kids often stay inside more and play outside less, while consuming more and more processed and high-sugar junk foods. Childhood diabetes is on the rise, a disease which was unheard of just a few decades ago. If we are going to help our children grow to be strong, healthy adults, we must begin making good choices now, which includes teaching them how to take care of themselves with proper diet and exercise.

At VitaClay, we care about your family’s health. That’s why we make it easy for you to create wholesome, nutritious meals at home, limiting the need for fast food or empty calories. We have hundreds of easy, delicious recipes perfectly suited to VitaClay, so you can make healthy home-cooked meals at the push of a button. It couldn’t get any easier unless you hired your own personal chef to shop and cook for you!

VitaClay makes it so easy to cook at home, even your children can help you prepare meals. And studies have shown when children help to create meals, they are more likely to eat those healthy meals because they are proud of what they have made. So call the kids, grab some ingredients and cook together. You will be happier, and healthier for it—and dinner will be ready before you know it!

Here are a few healthy, delicious meals inspired by Weight Watchers and adapted to VitaClay to get you and your family started on the path to great health:

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