Rich Chocolate Oatmeal—Quick and Easy Before Class!

Rich Chocolate Oatmeal—Quick and Easy Before Class!

Suitable for VitaClay Models VF7700 and VM7900 series ONLY./ Image Courtesy of

Oatmeal is a hearty, filling breakfast to get you going before a long day of classes. And with VitaClay, it’s easier than ever to make a nutritious, easy, economical oatmeal breakfast in the comfort and convenience of your own dorm room or apartment! Give it a whirl, and mix it up with whatever flavors and spices you prefer—even chocolate! Now that beats cold cereal and milk in the Caf any day!
  • 1 cup steel-cut oats (only use steel-cut oats in VitaClay—no rolled, instant or quick oats allowed!)
  • 6 cups water
  • 13.5 oz coconut milk
  • 1-2 T unsweetened cocoa powder
  • Brown Sugar or Coconut Sugar
  • Sweetened, shredded coconut
  • Pecans, chopped
To Prepare:
  1. Combine steel-cut oats, water, coconut milk and cocoa powder in clay pot. Mix well.
  2. Cover, seal and cook on “soup” setting for 1 hour.
  3. Top with brown sugar, pecans and shredded coconut, and enjoy!.
If you don’t like chocolate or are craving another flavor, feel free to sub the cocoa powder for chopped bananas or berries, and add cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice!

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