Lemon Brussels Sprouts--Delicious and Easy in Clay!

Lemon Brussels Sprouts--Delicious and Easy in Clay!

Brussels Sprouts are just one of those foods…. you know they’re good for you and your kids, but they’re bitter and just don’t taste very good. I was reading an article the other day about bitter foods and how they often help to control blood sugar and food cravings, and that some cultures like the Chinese have known this for a long time.

So how do I make this love-hate relationship work in a great tasting recipe? I didn't know the answer till I found this one day.

I suppose it’s something in the lemon, onions, and bacon. All of these flavors combined seem to offset the bitterness of the Brussels Sprouts and make them taste really good. If you are struggling to find delicious healthy recipes for your kids (and yourself!), do yourself a favor and try this one. It may just be one of your favorite go-to recipes.




  • ¾ lb Brussels sprouts
  • ½ red onion, diced
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 T coconut oil, melted
  • salt & pepper to taste
  • ¼ c broth
  • crispy bacon bits (optional, but recommended)


  1. Wash and trim brussel sprouts, cut in half: into the clay pot they go!
  2. Add diced onions.
  3. Drizzle melted coconut oil, add salt & pepper
  4. Drizzle lemon juice and stir 5. add broth, seal up the pot, on "stew" setting for about 30 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle with bacon (not really optional)

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