Wild Yam Roots Simmered in Clay, Your Beauty Foods on the Go!

Wild Yam Roots Simmered in Clay, Your Beauty Foods on the Go!

Wild yam roots simmered in rich sauce, meat or meatless! Cozy, healing and comforting! Wild yams are know as a beauty food to nourish your skin! According to TCM, wild yams enhance energy “chi”, balance “yin” and “yang”, helps heal gut, nourish lungs & ease coughing, aids in digestion! It’s a super food! Now it’s the season to get these or get sun dried version, chips.

It is perfect for Vegan, vegetarian or Plant based diet... 

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Yummy Relaxing Turkey Beauty Soup with Healing Wild Yam

It makes delicious soup too! This is a healthy carb that I won't ignore! Search inside or Google wild yam an Vitaclay keywords to find a ton of recipes!

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