We made it in 2022 and caught up the time loss for the past two years--traveled, visited places, celebrated with friends and families! We know that 2023 is going to be a far better year and great! Last year, for better or worse, was definitely a huge relief from post-Pandemic and I am sure we all have hope for this year; however, making resolutions may seem a little tough right now. While we can not control the economy, the market, and anything that is beyond our control, one sure thing we can do is to improve / maintain healthy living lifestyle for a happier and healthier life.
For most of the parts for the beginning of the new year were to cleanse our bodies of holiday indulgences. One of the biggest challenges for me is limiting my cell phone access time, not to mention the impacts of the radiation of cell phones bring to us! We can not help to be addicted to “socializing” on social media, they keep us stay “alive” and connected! The downsides are- increased anxiety, stress, depression, peer pressures, and loneliness. Don't get me wrong and I am not anti-social. It could be much healthier when you interact with people in person.
At holiday party gatherings, I often get complements from lady friends asking what I did for my face and hair! I was laughing hard that I literally didn't following most ladies do on the skin care maintenance routines--regular facial visits, tonic, Botox, facelifts, you name it. I wish I could practice some of these routines. Honestly, I don’t buy much of skin care products such as all the cleanse, skin care tonic or night repair, etc., like I used to years ago. I just couldn’t find my time to research what is really good skin care products for me with my busy working lifestyle! I am terrible on this part! When they asked about my beauty secrets to maintain little wrinkled skins, less puffy eyes and saggy skins. My secrets are regular weekly "health maintenance" routines to nourish and heal myself from inside out, from cooking nutrient-dense foods to herbal tonic soups and teas, well-balanced diets keep my weight and stress level in check therefore promote beauty sleep. When you feel rested, you get depuffed eyes, fewer wrinkles, most of all, my energy level stays high and active!
I am not sure about you, here are my new year's resolutions checklist- (quality sleep, limit my cell phone / electronics usages, de-stress (yoga), eat nutrient rich foods not process foods, exercise).
Health is not about expecting, hoping, and wishing. It’s about doing, being, and becoming. What's your New Year healthy living resolutions?
Cook yourself young with better nutrition! Enjoy and Good luck for the new year to come!
Cheers to good health, happiness, and prosperity in 2023!
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