As a nation, we’re obsessed with celebrities. The fame, the money, the influence. They seem to have the world at their fingertips and lack for nothing. If you had all the money in the world, what would you want?
Personally, I’d have a full-time housekeeper and a personal chef. Daily tasks around the house are never-ending! If money were not an issue, I would definitely love to have help keeping my house clean and neat, and someone to cook amazing, nutritious meals three times a day for my family. I couldn’t care less about the fame, the influence, or even the wealth, as long as I could afford to have someone doing those monotonous tasks every day! Fortunately, over the years I’ve found a few life hacks that don’t eliminate my daily tasks, but they do help make them a lot easier.
One is delegating household chores and weekly cleaning tasks to my teenage son. Not only do I not have to be responsible for all of the cleaning, he is learning how to take care of a household and contribute to the family in a meaningful way. Win-win!
Another great hack that I never want to be without is VitaClay. I use my VitaClay daily for so many things: from making steel cut oats that are ready when I wake up in the morning, to brewing my own nutrient-dense bone broth, to making the best yogurt I’ve ever tasted, and of course making one-pot dishes like rice and fish for a light lunch on a hot summer day.
From roasts, soups and stews, to rice, broth and yogurt—VitaClay has truly become my personal chef! It has replaced half a dozen other kitchen appliances that I no longer need and gives me better results without the hassle for every meal.Â
I may not have reached the point that I can have a full-time housekeeper yet, but at least with VitaClay, I have a personal chef that makes healthy, delicious wholesome meals every single time!Â
Do you have a personal chef yet?
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