The Mighty Tangerine!

The Mighty Tangerine!

The Mighty Tangerine! 

Well, tangerines are in season right now! Enjoy its juicy, vibrant burst of sweet citrus flavor, but did you know that you can use the peel of the tangerine to make a delicious tea, which can help to soothe what ails you?

According to TCM, tangerine peel is famous for helping in digestion and break up congestion and to normalize the flow of qi (the term for life force or energy), as well as to encourage the natural flow of liquids (think blood, lymph, etc.) throughout the body.

The mighty tangerine peel contains a wealth of nutrients that can help to boost the immune system, such as Vitamin C, Vitamin B1, Choline, Folate, over 60 known flavonoids, d-limonene, alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, aldehydes, numerous minerals and vitamins.

It also contains a natural molecule called synephrine, which is a decongestant  very useful if you’re under the weather due to a cold, flu or seasonal allergies! It contains a TON of antioxidants which are anti-inflammatory and can help to prevent and shorten the duration of colds and flus and helps with wet coughs and breaking up mucus, especially if taken regularly. Tangerine peel is also highly antimicrobial, which helps your body to fight off any invaders before they can take hold. 

Because you’re going to be using the peel, try and find organic fruit— you want a fresh, fragrant fruit tea, not a chemical soup. Simply boil a cup of pure water, tear off a couple of small pieces of the dried Tangerine peel and place in the cup of hot water and seep for 2-3 minutes.

Go grab a bagful to get started!


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