Nourish Your Skin... VitaClay 12 Days of Giving

Nourish Your Skin... VitaClay 12 Days of Giving

Nourish Your Skin!

Your skin is your largest organ. It protects you and it helps you remove toxins. Healthy skin is not a given and during the winter we need to take extra care to support it. 

The hands down best skin-care nutrients are vitamins A, C, D, and E + selenium and zinc. And don’t forget collagen. While vitamins may be able to be absorbed THROUGH the skin, minerals and collagen are usually not. Point being, nourish your skin with a healthy diet, clean water and good sleep.

Try a VitaClay facial steam: bring 3 cups clean water to a boil in your pot, turn off heat, add essential oils and herbs and let them steep for 5 minutes. Full directions can be found online at siteslike this one. 




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