Elevate Your Mood with Jicama in this Pandemic Uncertainty Time

Elevate Your Mood with Jicama in this Pandemic Uncertainty Time

Now, it’s a season for root veggies to shine! Improves your mood with jicama! Don’t get caught up with this pandemic uncertainty chaos...

My 80+ year old mom loves to eat jicama! She grew up with this and eats this like a fruit! I was always wondering why...

Jicama fuels your muscles, brain, heart and nervous system. Jicama has Vitamin B6 that has a direct effect on the transmitters responsible for controlling our mood. They help in preventing depression, anxiety, fatigue and pain. Thus, consuming jicama helps to meet our bodily requirement of Vitamin B6 and thus elevates our mood.

Jicama improves blood circulation- Copper and iron, two important elements of red blood cells, are found in jicama. It also brighten your skin. It's suggested jicama can also maintain blood sugar, strengthen the immune system, and calm nerves and muscles.

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