How to make Vegan Soy yogurt in VitaClay Instant Clay Pot Slow Cooker

How to make Vegan Soy yogurt in VitaClay Instant Clay Pot Slow Cooker

Soy yogurt is made from soybeans, a legume that contains a complete protein of all essential amino acids; healthy fats' vitamins; minerals, particularly calcium; and antioxidants.

People eat soy yogurt for its nutritional value and as a healthy cholesterol-free alternative to yogurt made from dairy products. Start making your own vegan soy yogurt with your VitaClay! 

This recipe is best made with our premium Smart Organic Multi-cooker -



  • 1-2 quart soy milk (making sure it contains only soybeans and water)
  • 5 of capsules per 4 cups of soy milk, or a ½ cup of yogurt to use as your starter


  1. Simply pour a quart container of soy milk into your Clay Pot.
  2. Add the starter (or probiotic for the first batch).
  3. Give it a little stir.
  4. Press "yogurt" on the Yogurt Maker.
  5. Set on “yogurt” to let it ferment for 8-12 hours or overnight.


To learn more about other yogurt making recipes, you may search in our website. 

Fresh milk yogurt, click here >> 

Image courtesy of The Hidden Veggies


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