Summer Goodness (Part 3) - The last of the ACESZ series

Summer Goodness (Part 3) - The last of the ACESZ series

We round out our immune-building series today with Selenium and Zinc:

Selenium(the quiet mineral you never hear about is top notch for nutrition)

Where to find it: Brazil nuts are one of the best + fish & meats, eggs, brown rice, sunflower seeds, oats, dairy, lentils, cashews, bananas

Storage:is minimal in the body and should be consumed on a regular basis 

What it does:strong antioxidant involved in immune function that also enhances the work of vitamin E, may protect body from heart disease and some cancer, supports thyroid health


Where to find it: oysters and other shellfish, meat, eggs, hemp and pumpkin seeds, pine nuts, almonds, whole grains, legumes, milk

Storage:not readily stored and should be consumed on a regular basis 

What it does:strong antioxidant involved in immune functionand wound healing,involved in over 100 enzyme reactions, necessary for sense of taste and smell

Bottom line: Eat a rainbow of foods to cover your ACESZ(Vitamins A, C and E + Selenium and Zinc.

Checkout these late summer recipes that help you keep building immunity well into the fall.

#1 Immune Math:

Better Immune Health = Good, Clean Food + Fresh Air + Balanced Exercise + Adequate Sleep + Positive Attitude 
 (Excess) News – Stress – Sugar


By Melissa Ford CoxCertified in Holistic Nutrition

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