How to lose weight and burn fat fast - Intermittent Fasting

How to lose weight and burn fat fast - Intermittent Fasting

If you find it hard to stick to difficult diets and let go of your favorite foods, you may want to give intermittent fast a try. Instead of modifying the foods you consume, you modify your eating pattern (although eating healthily is definitely good for you and should not be ignored).

You probably know what regular fasting is - foregoing food for a certain period of time. In the past, our ancestors sometimes had so choice but to fast when food was scarce. This means our bodies have evolved to survive without food for periods of time. In fact, a major theory behind rising obesity rates is that our bodies can not process the high levels of sugar and fat in the modern diet versus the leaner diet in our hunter gatherer days. 

But what is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting is a fairly recent health trend that is gaining popularity and done for the purposes of losing weight. The idea behind intermittent fasting is that you go about your regular diet for the most part, except during certain periods of time, you forego food or eat very little of it. The science follows how our bodies have evolutionarily adapted to periods of famine in the past. When caloric intake is lower than usual, your body adjusts by making fat storage more accessible than usual. Insulin sensitivity improves and you can burn fat more easily! Additionally, simply consuming less calories while maintaining the same amount of calories burned will help you achieve your weight loss goals.

While intermittent fasting isn't necessarily a change in diet, there are foods you can eat to make the process easier. High nutrient foods such as eggs, unprocessed nuts, and fresh vegetables like carrots, celery, cucumber and broccoli or cauliflower florets, are good post fast snacks to prevent yourself from binging when ending a fast.

There are different plans for intermittent fasting, such as simply skipping a meal, fasting once or twice a week, or consuming much less calories on a few days of the week. It's up to you to determine which plan works best for you or if intermittent fasting is an appropriate choice for you. For example, if you are pregnant, diabetic, or have other underlying health conditions, intermittent fasting may not be a good choice for you. 

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