Dear Valued VitaClay customers,
We write to respond to what in our opinion are inaccurate and misleading post regarding our product, VitaClay.
Our company appreciates constructive feedback and suggestions for improving our products and services made in good faith by consumers. However, in our opinion, the post is neither constructive nor was it made in good faith.
The VitaClay is highly respected by industry peers and our beloved, loyal customers. We have carefully developed and crafted and continued to improve our clay pot cookers over the past 12 years. We strive to improve our products continually, with the goal of producing the best quality products that everyone can safely use and enjoy. We have devoted ourselves to build smart clay cookware that is both healthy and enhances the flavor and texture of foods cooked in this manner.
In conformity with industry regulations and standards, our pots have been verified and tested by an independent, third-party national laboratory approved by the FDA. The attached test report demonstrates undetectable levels of lead with <0.01 ppm accuracy. These test results are an order of magnitude 100 times below the FDA’s lead limit for the ceramic category. The FDA standard is <1.0 ppm. Click here to See the heavy metal lead test report. Click here to See the lab credentials.
The conditions under purported tests are unknown and not disclosed in the blog. The blog fails to state any details, calibrations, nor other technical specifications of the instrument who purportedly used to test a clay pot. The testing conditions are unstated. The white noise ratio is unstated. Our own, FDA-approved laboratory technologist opines that the post purported findings are highly unreliable and unbelievable. See the article, click here.
We are confident in the quality and safety of our product, as confirmed by the test results of our own, FDA-certified professional and licensed testing laboratory. Our testing determined that the VitaClay pot fully complies with, and surpasses by an order of magnitude, the safety standards promulgated by the FDA.
Furthermore, it is our opinion the blog post can only be explained by the desire of other cooking product manufacturers, to damage and disparage our company, to unfairly obtain a competitive advantage.