How Much Do You Love Your Mom?

How Much Do You Love Your Mom?

I don’t know anyone who doesn’t love their mother, but I did not truly appreciate my mom and everything she did for me until I became a mother in my own right. Moms endure pregnancy, lost sleep, constant caring and watching over their children, working non-stop to clean up after them—and some have a job outside the home too!

When I was a child, seeing that moms and dads both had their own special days, I asked my mother, “Why isn’t there a children’s day?” She replied, “That’s every other day of the year.” And it’s true—our parents do so much for us, not only as children, but even as adults—they are there for us to support us and give us advice.

So how can we show our love and appreciation? Flowers are nice, but they only last a few days, and candy is delicious, but my mom won’t touch sugar these days. So what’s a loving son or daughter to do on Mother’s Day?

In honor of all of the meals she cooked for us, let’s make her life easier this year by giving Mom something that will be her “Personal Chef!” VitaClay can handle almost any meal, from rice to stew to broth and even yogurt. With VitaClay your mom can just throw ingredients into the pot and dinner cooks itself! And with a natural clay pot, there are no toxins, chemicals or heavy metals to worry about. Your mom will wonder why she cooked any other way!

This Mother’s Day (or on her birthday, or Christmas, or Valentine's Day...), give your mom the gift that will keep giving every day of the year—VitaClay! And as a bonus, she’ll be happy to cook delicious, healthy meals for you when you visit!

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