How to Make Almond Milk Yogurt in Your VitaClay?

How to Make Almond Milk Yogurt in Your VitaClay?

Make your own thick, creamy, and a little bit tart almond milk yogurt with VitaClay at home! 
The best way to make it successful depends on (1) your starter (I always buy store quality yogurt as the first starter), (2) consistent temperature (our VitaClay cooker has meet fermenting yogurt temperature) and (3) yogurt fermenting time (it can be from 8 hours up to 24 hours depending on what cooker you have! It is really easy to set up. If not long enough, you can always let it ferment up to 24 hours though it might be subject to personal taste as it might be too sour to me). You can serve this yogurt plain, but for me, it’s even better with maple syrup and vanilla, or any of your favorite fruits. Any flavor combination is great!

Here are some other tips to help you achieve a perfect Almond Milk Yogurt at home:

1. Use homemade almond milk- It takes a little more time to make homemade almond milk but it saves you from any additives that may mess with the culturing process.

2. Use thickeners- I know runny yogurt isn't quite appealing. Almond milk yogurt may be more runny so you need thickeners. You can try to find additive-free thickeners when sticking to healthy options.

3. Don't reuse your yogurt culture- Make sure to always use only new culture each time for almond milk yogurt. Yogurt starter culture gives you the most consistent yogurt result.

Also, check our blog for a quick fix to your yogurt problems:



  • 2 1/2 cups homemade almond milk
  • 2 Tbsp. kuzu root
  • 1/16 tsp. agar agar powder
  • 1-3 probiotic capsule
  • Flavorings (optional)
  1. Make sure to sterilize all your kitchen equipment before you proceed. 

  1. In a small bowl, add a small amount of the homemade almond milk. Add the kuzu root and agar agar powder. Mix the thickeners into the almond milk until dissolved.

  1. In a medium saucepan, add the almond milk with the thickeners and the rest of the almond milk.

  1. Transfer to your VitaClay pot. Add probiotics capsules and flavorings. Close, seal and press the slow cooking button to select “yogurt”. (Default time is 8 hours).

  1. After 8 hours, allow it to rest for another 12-15 hours. Strain, Serve and enjoy!

  2. Refrigerate the leftovers.

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