Home Cooking Made Easy

Comfort food really is comforting. And we all have our favorites. These familiar foods from our childhood are called soul food for good reason. Mouthwatering spaghetti, mac and cheese, chili, beef stew, chicken soup with rice or even oatmeal is warming, rich, creamy, hearty, flavorful and most importantly, made with healthy ingredients and love. Everything that satisfies the soul.

With VitaClay it is possible --even with your busy lifestyle --to have your home cooked favorites appear like magic when meal time rolls around.

A few simple ingredients and a push a button, gives you all your favorite comfort foods quickly, easily and in just one easy to clean pot. And even better, the meals you make in a VitaClay can be healthier and more delicious because clay infuses flavors and keeps your ingredients tender and succulent.

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